Rod Diamond
Exercise Physiologist
Rod Diamond has over 30 years’ experience in the health, sports, exercise and rehabilitation industries. Rod has been on both sides of the fence, from participating in sport to now practicing as an exercise physiologist and exercise scientist. Rod’s clinical experience encompasses fields including advising, reviewing and providing specific programs and solutions for persons involved in sports, exercise, physical activity, health, fitness and rehabilitation
B.App.Sc (Exercise and Sports Science) at University of Sydney
Dip. Bus (Accounting)
Dip. Sports Massage
Level 2 Strength and Conditioning Coach (ASCA)
Level 2 Track and Field Coach (Sprints, hurdles and relays)
Level 1 Olympic Weightlifting Coach / Sports Power Coach
Memberships and Registrations
Member of Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA)
Registered Provider with Medicare, iCare, NDIS and Dept of Veteran Affairs
Specialities, Expertise and Experience
Stem Cell and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation.
Workers Compensation (I Care) and Motor Vehicle Accident Rehabilitation.
Pre-Operative Strength & Conditioning and Post-Operative Rehabilitation.
Hydrotherapy and Gym programs.
Expert Witness / Medical Legal Reports for liability and damages assessments
Rural, Regional and Indigenous Health
Lecturing on topics including the treatment of medical conditions, health and disease risk factors, rehabilitation and health and well being
Stem cells
Providing rehabilitation to patients post stem cell treatment, involved in ongoing stem cell research and a co-author of a recently published paper on stem cells:
Stem Cell paper - Gibbs, Diamond Et al “Management of knee osteoarthritis by combined stromal vascular fraction cell therapy, platelet-rich plasma, and musculoskeletal exercises: a case series” Journal of Pain Research 2015:8 799–806
More information can be found at